Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1.1: Why this Blog?

This blog is basically about my ancestors and family history, and hence the name, Khans of Paguria.

Once I read a chapter on Emperor Genghis Khan, I do not remember exactly at which grade, (maybe 4th or 5th...well, who cares?), and somehow it felt like we were one of his descendants; and  that was solely because we shared the same surname!*

Ok, somewhat between the mid of 2010, Musabbir Khan, an uncle of my Dad, (..and hence my Grandfather) took an initiative to find the root of our family, and create a family tree. That idea struck me, as it will be quite interesting to know your forefathers (..and also there was a chance that we turn out to be some King-born or something, jk!) 

Me and Musabbir Dada went to our village, and to some other places, and talked to quite a few people. We gathered information from some 'Murabbis' of our family ( Aged people who know about things), cross-checked their references, and prepared a basic family tree. In a short time, we found the names of my forefathers, tracing back 7 generation from me. Which means the oldest name of the family (Kallu Khan^), was my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather (having difficulty to count? thats 5 greats :P ).

So, that was that, I will try to gradually post the information, pictures and family chart, enriching this untouched-for-three-years blog, and make it fruitful.

Adib Mahid Khan

* Though our family is not connected directly to Genghis Khan (... and Khan was not his real name, but an Emperor title), I found invovlvement of the Mongol empire with our Khan family. I will come to that in the next blog. Oh.. the birth name of Genghis Khan was "Temujin", which means Blacksmith or Iron ( A king's named blacksmith, now I see why he changed his name! 

^ There is a possibility that the proper name of Kallu Khan was Ali Safdar Khan, and Kallu was his nickname. As I was unable to find any other proof or reference, Kallu Khan's proper name still remains questionned.

Given below are 6 of my 7 great-granddad. I could not find the picture of the eldest one, Abdul Rahim Khan

Abdul Majid Khan, second on in the first row, is my direct great-grandfather (as in the father of my grandfather, thus the grandfather of my father ! )

Abdur Rahman Khan

Abdul Majid Khan

Abdur Rashid Khan

Abdul Latif Khan

Abdul Jabbar Khan

Abdus Sattar Kham